Ashley Greene pratar om Jackson Also it was obvious that the cast seem to be very tight. Do you guys have fun behind the scenes or is it a fairly serious atmosphere? Do you have any behind the scenes stories you’d like to share?
AG: We’re all like brothers and sisters, so we’re having fun all the time. Funny stories? Well, there’s a lot. But one funny thing we’re always doing with Kellan, Jack and Xavier is annoy Rob singing Katy Perry or Miley’s songs. We suck as singers, so we freak him out terribly. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time (if you have any!)?
AG: Hahahaha! We’re always going to Starbucks with Jackson or going shopping with the girls. And we’re going to have dinner with the cast on weekends, or go to concerts. We always find something fun to do together.
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"I don't have a MySpace"
Jackson Rathbone loves filming New Moon in Vancouver with Ashley Greene and Robert Pattinson but he misses home.
He enjoys spending time with his Cullen family but it’s not the same as his real family back home.
Jackson told Seventeen: “I miss Texas so bad."
“It (acting) takes a lot of time out from your personal life, and I can only get back to Texas three times a year at most. It’s tough.”
He wants to let his fans know that there are a few fake Jackson’s on the web.
Jackson added: ” “I stay away from Facebook and MySpace. Whenever I go out with a friend, they’re like ‘I didn’t know you had a MySpace.’ I don’t have a MySpace.
“There’s actually three MySpaces for Jackson Rathbone. I don’t know who these people are but they’re not me!”

Men jag tyckte ändå att den var intressant. Jackson berättar bl.a om sin första kyss!

This Twilight hottie opens up about girls, being a rebel and the role he's dying to play!
1. When was your first kiss?
When I was 13, I was dating a girl two years older than me. We were in a movie theater and got about thirty minutes into the movie (Titanic) and she made the first move. I was very shy and probably wouldn't have ever made the first move, so, well, it rocked my world. We dated on and off for two years. I heard she recently got married, so I won't say her name, but she still holds a special place in my heart.
2. Who's your celebrity crush?
Bryce Dallas Howard. I think she's an incredible actress and such a beautiful young woman. I also think she's way out of my league, so I'll just keep dreaming.
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RO: You live in a house with other members of your band, 100 Monkeys, in Hollywood. What’s the hardest part about being roomies with two other guys?
JR: The smell.
RO: When can fans expect 100 Monkeys’ new album to drop, and how would you describe the band’s sound in one word?
JR: Our EP should be coming out in two or three weeks on iTunes, with three singles from our full length album, and a special surprise if you order the CD directly from us! Our full length album is set for release in the fall of this year. 100 Monkeys sound is “onomatopoetic.”
RO: What’s the most embarrassing song on your iPod?
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Jackson on ET
"So how does this 24 year old juggle film and music career?"
"Oh, I just gave up on sleeping"
Han kom med ett litet lustigt skämt där i slutet, haha.