100 Monkeys på NewCon
Jackson och 100 Monkeys kommer att vara närvarande vid NewCon 2009 nästa månad!
Såhär står det på NewCon´s hemsida:
As you’ll soon see, our events are more like festivals than conventions. With that said, this is an event created to inspire creativity and awareness of the arts in all forms. Come with an open mind and bring your imagination!
Everyone is part of our community and we want all of you to feel welcomed. Our goal is for everyone to have a good time and not worry about whether or not you can bring your camera or if you’re allowed to say hi to a cast member. Of course you can!
We gear our daily events around things that are fun for the guests and the cast, which include art and poetry contests as well as musical acts. Winners from these contests get a private meet & greet with attending cast and band members. In addition, the winning poet will also have their work read LIVE at Saturday’s ball by an attending cast member.
Jackson Rathbone’s band, 100 Monkeys, will soon be tweeting about their ‘design your own t-shirt’ contest. The winning shirt will actually get printed as a limited edition item and sold on their website. All of the money from the sale of the winning t-shirt will be donated to the Spencer Bell Legacy project. Which brings up a good point. A portion of ALL of proceeds from the NewCon Festival will be donated to the Spencer Bell Legacy Project.
If you don’t know about Spencer Bell yet, you should click on the Spencer Bell button on our site or visit www.SpencerBellMemorial.com.
The band will also be having an open JAM session for any musicians that want to participate. If that’s you, bring your bongos and let’s make it happen. Jackson and the band will also be bringing in other celebrities just for fun. It’s going to be a great weekend. 100 Monkeys will also be hosting a concert Saturday night after the ball.
We’ll have the webmasters from all of the top Twilight-inspired websites on-hand and in panel discussions talking to fans about starting and keeping up with their own websites.
There will be LIVE open forums on acting & modeling and how to break into the business. We will also have Q & A sessions with cast and crew members about anything and everything. If you’ve ever had a burning question that you just had to ask, here’s your chance.
Tickets to the NewCon Festival are limited, so get yours today and we’ll see you in Nashville!
Intervju med 100 Monkeys
Jackson Rathbone & 100 Monkey's Tour Contest
Here's your chance to get Jackson Rathbone and his band, 100 Monkeys, to come to your city. The band is letting the fans pick 20 cities for their tour.
All you have to do is send an email to [email protected] and in the subject line put your Name, City, State and Age. Only one vote per email address will be counted towards your cities total, so get your friends and family to vote too.
This contest is open to US cities only. Canadian tour contest will start November 1st. Next summer, the 100 Monkeys will be touring South America and Europe!
The winning cities will be announced October 28th.
Remember - Name, City, State & Age in the Subject line!
Om jag ändå hade pengar och kunde resa för att se 100 Monkeys.. Någon som vill donera pengar till mej? haha
Nya 100 monkeys låtar på youtube
Också nya låtar som “Keep Awake” , “The Fair” och “Klipity Klop” har laddats upp.
100 Monkeys fungerade som värd för en fest
Hmm, undrar vilken film? Eclipse såklart!
Och en annan källa (Lainey gossip) har också skrivit om den lilla festen. Här kommer en bit av det:
"Anyway, the host wore a “Zorro” hat and 100 Monkeys were the last to perform. I’m told that the band’s tradition is to ask the audience for a word and use that word to make up a song…? Anyway, the word on Saturday was “polygamy”. So the ensuing chorus was:
I get what I need from you and you and you.
It was a well guarded event, not too many leaks, and no paps. Other Twilight cast members present included Kellan Lutz, Julia Jones, Ashley Greene, Chaske Spencer, Elizabeth Reaser, Xavier Samuel, and oh yeah, those other two, the only two most people care about – Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson – were spotted smoking on the patio. Twi-Hards will take this to mean they that they were out there alone, slow dancing under the twinkling stars, talking about the magic-ness of their love."
100 Monkeys official website
Made of gold
Vad tycker ni om Jacksons sångröst? Tycker ni han kan överhuvudtaget sjunga?
Själv tycker jag att det låter jätte bra! (men då kan jag ju tillägga att jag är näst intill tondöv) (:
100 Monkeys
Bandet består av; Jackson Rathbone, Ben Graupner, Ben Johnson, och Jerad Anderson.
"Our band started off as an improv, a duo piece with just my roommate and I, Ben Graupner, who is also an actor," Jackson Rathbone explained. "We had a lot of ideas and just kept making music and recording and singing improv and just listening back and being like, 'Hey, this is kind of fun!' "
Här kan du läsa hela artikeln.
100 Monkeys har spelat in en skiva, Monster deluxe, som går att köpas på iTunes. Ett andra album planeras att komma ut nu i sommar. Albumet kommer bestå av låtar, som medlemmarna själv har skrivit.
100 Monkey's myspace