Seventeen Magazine New Moon special
Ashley Greene: “Edi [Gathegi, who plays Laurent] has this crazy woman voice that he can do. It’s insane; he sounds just like a woman! And so he called Jackson and told Jackson, ‘Hi, this is Kelly from production.’ Jackson was like, ‘Oh hey, what’s up?’ There were issues with everybody’s hair color and the cut and so they had just dyed it blonde. And so he was like, ‘We’re going to have to bring you into hair and makeup at 4:45am because we’re going to have to dye your hair back black.’ And Jackson was like, ‘Oh. Okay!’ Then Edi called him and was like, ‘Hey man, did you just get a call from this girl from production…what time do you have to go in?’ And Jackson was like, ‘4:45′ and he was like ‘oh.’ And he was like, ‘Did you talk to her?’ And he was like ‘Yeah,’ and then in his girl voice was like, ‘I am her!’ Jackson totally would’ve gotten up at 4:45 in the morning!”
Kellan Lutz: “I knew Jackson already. His mom and my mom are really close friends in the church, so my mom was like ‘Oh, I’m so glad you’ve got a good Christian boy to work with!’”
Nikki Reed: “The first time I met Jackson [Rathbone] was on the flight to Portland, and he had his guitar and his glasses, and I was thinking to myself, Oh boy, another introverted musician/actor. [Laughs] And I don’t really know what I thought of Rob. My opinion of Rob has always sort of been the same. He’s a great guy, he’s really talented, [but] we’re not as close as the rest of the cast.”
Sagt av "Mike"
-Michael Welch

Ni känner troligtvis igen honom som Mike i Twilgiht.
"He just pops"

Melissa Rosenberg är kvinnan som skrivit film manuset till Twilight och New moon, och hon kommer också att skriva manuset till Eclipse.



"I used to want to be a vampire when I was young. It'd be great, you know? Run around at night, never die, kill people. It sounds like a great life!"-Jackson Rathbone
awesome guy

Said by Jackson

"I couldn't do without my guitar, Annabelle. When I picked it out, I thought, 'This is a great sounding Southern Resonator, and it needs an appropriate Southern girl's name" -Jackson Rathbone
Said about Jackson
(Kellans svar på frågan; vem skulle passa bäst som vampyr i verkliga livet?)
Kellan Lutz är en amerikansk skådesåelare och har rollen som Emmett Cullen i Twilight och i uppföljaren New Moon.

Kellan Lutz