Jackson Rathbone & 100 Monkey's Tour Contest

Here's your chance to get Jackson Rathbone and his band, 100 Monkeys, to come to your city. The band is letting the fans pick 20 cities for their tour.

All you have to do is send an email to [email protected] and in the subject line put your Name, City, State and Age. Only one vote per email address will be counted towards your cities total, so get your friends and family to vote too.

This contest is open to US cities only. Canadian tour contest will start November 1st. Next summer, the 100 Monkeys will be touring South America and Europe!

The winning cities will be announced October 28th.

Remember - Name, City, State & Age in the Subject line!

Om jag ändå hade pengar och kunde resa för att se 100 Monkeys.. Någon som vill donera pengar till mej? haha


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