Hittade en intervju med Jackson! Det är frågor om allt från Twilight till Jacksons musiksmak! Dessutom en bild av Jackson då han var ett litet, gulligt barn!

RO: You live in a house with other members of your band, 100 Monkeys, in Hollywood. What’s the hardest part about being roomies with two other guys?
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RO: You live in a house with other members of your band, 100 Monkeys, in Hollywood. What’s the hardest part about being roomies with two other guys?
JR: The smell.
RO: When can fans expect 100 Monkeys’ new album to drop, and how would you describe the band’s sound in one word?
JR: Our EP should be coming out in two or three weeks on iTunes, with three singles from our full length album, and a special surprise if you order the CD directly from us! Our full length album is set for release in the fall of this year. 100 Monkeys sound is “onomatopoetic.”
RO: What’s the most embarrassing song on your iPod?
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