Lyckliga brudar fick träffa Jackson!
Ni minns säkert att jag skrev om festen som hölldes för Twilight cast i lördags, där 100 monkeys var och spelade.
Där hade några tjejer turen att träffa vår allas Jackson Rathbone!
(Följande har jag tagit från tjejernas blogg, och ni kan läsa hela inlägget här!)

"We were on cloud 9 by this point and the whole experience couldn’t have been any better than what it was. The 100 Monkeys played an excellently long set and everyone grooved to their tunes the whole night. Jackson is really one of the nicest and down to earth celebrities we’ve ever met. Out of respect for all the wonderful people there, we didn’t take photos with the actors as this really was a night for everyone to unwind from all the hustle bustle of the movie world, but we did get a photo with the 100 Monkeys, after all they were the reason we were there in the first place!"
Det står bl.a att Jackson är en av de trevligaste och jordnära kändisar de någonsin träffat.
Där hade några tjejer turen att träffa vår allas Jackson Rathbone!
(Följande har jag tagit från tjejernas blogg, och ni kan läsa hela inlägget här!)

"We were on cloud 9 by this point and the whole experience couldn’t have been any better than what it was. The 100 Monkeys played an excellently long set and everyone grooved to their tunes the whole night. Jackson is really one of the nicest and down to earth celebrities we’ve ever met. Out of respect for all the wonderful people there, we didn’t take photos with the actors as this really was a night for everyone to unwind from all the hustle bustle of the movie world, but we did get a photo with the 100 Monkeys, after all they were the reason we were there in the first place!"
Det står bl.a att Jackson är en av de trevligaste och jordnära kändisar de någonsin träffat.