Minns ni att jag tidigare skrev om när Jackson var till Eyecon? Om inte kan ni läsa det här.
Nu har jackson-ratbone.org skrivit om Jackson vid Eyecon!
She continued, “At Jackson’s, I never realized how deep his voice was. I asked him if he had to choose one, which would he choose: a full time career in music or a full time career in acting? In a nutshell, he said he loves all forms of art, and he would find a way to do both at the same time. He said he always plays his guitar in between takes and such. Also, he also started to blush a little bit and get a little awkward when a fan asked him if he was stuck on a desert island with a cast mate, which would he choose, and he said Ashley (Greene) and no more".
Här kan ni läsa hela inlägget!

Nu har jackson-ratbone.org skrivit om Jackson vid Eyecon!
She continued, “At Jackson’s, I never realized how deep his voice was. I asked him if he had to choose one, which would he choose: a full time career in music or a full time career in acting? In a nutshell, he said he loves all forms of art, and he would find a way to do both at the same time. He said he always plays his guitar in between takes and such. Also, he also started to blush a little bit and get a little awkward when a fan asked him if he was stuck on a desert island with a cast mate, which would he choose, and he said Ashley (Greene) and no more".
Här kan ni läsa hela inlägget!
