27 juni
Jackson och Edi Gathegi (han har rollen som Laurent i filmen Twilight) kommer att vara i New Hamptons, New York den 27 juni. Evenemanget är öppet för allmänheten.
On June 27, 2009, in the John Drew Theatre at Guild Hall in East Hampton, NY, stars Jackson Rathbone, Edi Gathegi, and others will be performing with the Word Theatre in the Push Cart Prize Benefit. Now here’s the juicy stuff –> Buy a premium ticket that not only gets you a premium seat, but access to the cast party after the show where you can meet the stars from Twilight and see Jackson Rathbone’s band “100 Monkeys” in concert. For more info, e-mail Phil at [email protected] — For tickets e-mail [email protected] or call 631-324-4050.
Om ni har planerat att resa till New York och kommer att vara där den 27 juni , så för guds skull, ring och boka en biljett!
On June 27, 2009, in the John Drew Theatre at Guild Hall in East Hampton, NY, stars Jackson Rathbone, Edi Gathegi, and others will be performing with the Word Theatre in the Push Cart Prize Benefit. Now here’s the juicy stuff –> Buy a premium ticket that not only gets you a premium seat, but access to the cast party after the show where you can meet the stars from Twilight and see Jackson Rathbone’s band “100 Monkeys” in concert. For more info, e-mail Phil at [email protected] — For tickets e-mail [email protected] or call 631-324-4050.
Om ni har planerat att resa till New York och kommer att vara där den 27 juni , så för guds skull, ring och boka en biljett!